The origin of our company dates from 1920. In this year, the founder of the company, Teodoro Lara Wheel made studies of mechanics by correspondence.
He works in a mill of wheat and a bakery inheritance of his family, where most of the work he was made of manual form.
His first passages in mechanics were the modernization of the mill, with the manufacture of elevators, washing machines of wheat, hoppers, to planchister, etc. until turning the small mill a factory with a great capacity of production and able to molturar 7,600 kg of wheat daily.

Later the transformation was in the bakery, where until then everything it was made by hand.
It designed and it made the kneader and the refiner, with which the heaviest work was eliminated: the kneaded one.
In view of the good result of the machines mounted in the familiar company, it decided to make more machines (mainly refiners) for other bakers of the region.
Also apparatuses made to warm up furnaces with orujo coming from the olive mills, very abundant in this zone and quite economic product, that was easier to obtain than the firewood.

They followed small kneading machines, beaters and other small inventions trunkated cone.
At the beginning of the Fifties the manufacture of cleaning machines of wheat was begun.
These machines cleaned to the wheat when arriving at the warehouses of the National Service of the Wheat, clearing to him tizón, barley, soviento, divided grain, and they even selected the wheat for the next sowing.
In 1956, Teodoro Lara Wheel participated in I SAW Regional Exhibition of Art, Industry and Crafts, celebrated in Montilla, where it exposed some of his small inventions.

In year 1959 already they were made colines by hand in some bakeries of the zone.
By order of a baker of the neighboring locality of Aguilar of the Border, the manufacture of the first Training one of Colines began.
A first small scale model of manual operation with the purpose of verifying the reaction of the mass when putting under it was constructed the passage by channeled rollers.

The first training machine of colines with standard manufacture was the Mc-45 model in the year 1,961, that also was the first training one of colines that made in Spain.

In year 1,967 models TR in honor were sent to the founder of the company (Teodoro Wheel), passed away the same year few months before finishing it, and TRS, machines similar to the Mc-45 model but with greater production, since it reached the 525 bandejas/hora and 14 lengths of cut.
This machine was much successful because colines began to know by all Spain. 600 machines of this model were sold and still nowadays they continue working in many bakeries.
In 1.978, in addition to the manufacture of Training machines of Colines, dosificadoras machines of magdalenas, furnaces to gas, asi like a great variety of machines for bakeries and confectioneries were commercialized.

In 1.984, in a renovation eagerness, it began to make Training of Colines similar model JUNIOR, ideal for the wine twisted roll manufacture and products.
In 1.986, the company was transferred to the present facilities, more modernized and appropriate for the manufacture of our machines and they began to make the present models of training of colines.
Thus, in 1.986 the model appeared training of colines RECORD, with a Maxima production of 1,500 bandejas/hora (of 60 xs 40 cm.) and a system of pneumatic cut, being the first company in using the pneumatic one in this type of machinery.
In 1.989 model BASIC is born, of similars characteristic to the model RECORD but of smaller production and a reduced size more for smaller bakeries.
The same year the stainless steel trays were sent, being the first company in using this material in the trays used for the bakery product baking.

In 1.991 the model appears MASTERS, machine similar to the model RECORD but equipped with a prelaminating triple of mass.
In 1.992 adaptations in model BASIC are made to also make regañá.

In 1.994 one appeared in Inter Sicop, in Madrid, Training of Colines the MINI model, with great acceptance between the bakers who begin in the manufacture of colines. She is training of colines the smallest one of the world.

That same year, model PRACTIC replaces the model JUNIOR, that had been left something old fashioned.
In 1.995 the model appeared RECORD II, similar to the model RECORD but with the necessary modifications for the manufacture of regañá with the same production that with colines (1,500 bandejas/hora).

In 1.997 one appeared in SICOP, in Barcelona, the Training one of Doughnuts, Violines and Ochitos model BASIC.
In 1.999 mod has been sent Pesadora-Envasadora. P-5, for heavy and the packaging of colines, lined bread and other similar articles in bulk by weight.
In year 2,000 2000 Madrid, mentioned packing as well as the new models of training appeared in InterSicop of colines made in stainless steel.
In the 2,001 one has made a new Packer for dust products and similars, the E-5 model.

In year 2,002 the MINI model EXTRA for the manufacture of strips for colines, doughnuts, etc.
2.003 have been the year in which Intersicop has been an effective instrument to give to know all our machines and to present/display new features like training of colines the craftsmen mod. Handy.
2.004 new training of regañá round and square mod. R-45.

In February of 2005 a new training machine of colines has made, grissines, and regañá with wide of transporter a variable one of 45 to 60 cm., prerolling mill of mass and the last advances so that the work is more comfortable, practical and trustworthy. It is our model Masters 60.