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From year 1959 we dedicated ourselves to the manufacture of complementary machines of the bakery, such as sticks shapers, doughnouts shapers, biscuits shapers, packing-dosage machines.

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ou could find a wide range of machineries and equipments for bakery and confectionery by visiting our online shop.

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Rueda Maquinaria

The origin of our company dates from 1920. In this year, the founder of the company, Teodoro Lara Wheel made studies of mechanics by correspondence.

He works in a mill of wheat and a bakery inheritance of his family, where most of the work he was made of manual form.

His first passages in mechanics were the modernization of the mill, with the manufacture of elevators, washing machines of wheat, hoppers, to planchister, etc.

History of the company

Rueda Maquinaria S.L. ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, financiada como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19 (REACT-UE), para compensar el sobrecoste energético de gas natural y/o electricidad a pymes y autónomos especialmente afectados por el incremento de los precios del gas natural y la electricidad provocados por el impacto de la guerra de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania.
